Trail Blazers Partnership Promotions
CLIENT: Portland Trail Blazers (as an employee)
YEAR: 2018-2020
Many big name companies sponsor the Blazers, and I animated content for them. For some of them, the design was created, and for others I designed the content before animating. These are just a few of those created.

Toyota - For the 2010's theme night, Toyota sponsored a trivia game. I designed this game based on the copy that was provided and Toyota and Blazers brand guidelines, and created the background to animate according to the audio.

Spirit Mountain Casino - I designed the layout and motion for this game based on copy, rules, context (the window is to plug the video feed of the game being played in arena), and Spirit Mountain Casino brand guidelines.

The video team created a sizzle reel to provide to current and prospective sponsors. Another designer created the layout, and I created the animation to use as an overlay to the video.
One video is worth 1.8 million words, when you use motion design you are reaching significantly more people. The key is to catch people’s attention and have them slow their scroll, which will increase your sales, and build trust and engagement with your brand.
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The best way to get the ball rolling is to provide as much info as you can about your project via the contact form, or in an email or phone call. You can also book a consultation.